What Does TMB Mean On Snapchat?
If you message your friend on Snapchat saying “What are you doing?” and your friend replies with “TMB,” and you don’t know the actual meaning of TMB, in this article I will tell you what TMB mean on Snapchat and how to reply to the TMB word. I’ll also give you some bonus tips.
TMB Mean On Snapchat
Basically, TMB means ‘text me back.‘ It means your friend is telling you to message them later because they are busy right now. Besides this, TMB has many other meanings that are used in different situations, depending on your conversation.
TMB meaning: Text Me Back:
Text me back is used the most on social media because these days chatting is more common than calling. If someone is not replying to you and you are waiting for their reply, you can send them a TMB message, which means that when they are free, they should message you.
TMB also means Tag Me Back:
TMB also has other meanings like “tag me back,” which is usually used on Instagram and Facebook. When you upload videos or images, you tag someone and say “TMB,” meaning you want them to upload something too and tag you back.
TMB also means Tweet Me Back:
TMB also means “Tweet Me Back,” which is specifically used on Twitter, now known as “X.”
If someone tags you on X and says TMB, they mean that you should retweet that tweet.
TMB can also mean Take Me Back
One of the meanings of TMB is “Take Me Back,” which means someone is remembering you and asking you to come back.
How To Reply When Someone Says TMB?
The meanings of TMB are different, so the reply to this message will also be different because it depends on the situation in which someone says TMB to you. You should reply according to the situation.
How to reply to TMB: Text Me Back:
If someone texts you “TMB” meaning “Text Me Back,” you should understand their busyness and simply reply with “Okay” or “Sure.”
How to reply to TMB: Tag Me Back
If a friend tags you on Instagram or Facebook and says “Tag me back,” it depends on whether you want to upload a meme and tag them back or not.
How to reply to TMB: Tweet Me Back
If someone tweets at you and says “TMB” meaning “Tweet Me Back,” and you feel like replying to the tweet, you can retweet it.
How to reply to TMB: Take Me Back
If your ex-girlfriend messages you “TMB” meaning “Take Me Back,” you should consider getting back into a relationship with her because she still loves you as she did before.
Tips For Using TMB Effectively
Final Notes
TMB is a short word with many meanings, but on Snapchat, TMB most commonly means text me back. In this article, I have explained all the meanings of TMB used on social media platforms. Additionally, I have shared some tips on how to use TMB and how to reply in different situations.